Tag Archives: hope for 2021

Home Alone for the Holidays

Hindsight is 20/20, a vintage saying, fits this year. Pandemic is the word of the year by Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Other devasting words like coronavirus and COVID-19 invaded our thoughts and conversations. In California, phrases like Shelter in Place isolated us on Friday, March 13. Only essential businesses were open. Long lines and empty shelves were common. Temporarily Closed signs dotted doors of barbers and hair and nail salons,  dance studios, and fitness centers. A tinge of normality arrived in the late summer when most businesses were allowed to reopen.

A resurgence of the virus following Thanksgiving holiday travel and social gatherings pushed the governor to issue more restrictive Stay at Home guidelines on December 7.  Struggling businesses closed permanently. Weddings canceled. Vacations postponed. Places of worship limited to outside events with social distancing. No travel. No family gatherings outside immediate households.  No public holiday celebrations. Long lines for food and other essentials lowered the number of shoppers to 20% of the store’s usual capacity.

California front-line medical professionals waited in a different line this week to receive the first COVID-19 injections.  Home alone for the holidays is disheartening, but hope is in sight. Vaccine could become the 2021 word of the year.




Filed under Events, Health, Holidays, Medical